Airbrushing 101 Workshop [click on icon to read more info]


Airbrushing 101 Workshop [click on icon to read more info]


Contact Pittsburgh Makeup for available class dates. Class duration is about 3.5-4 hours with time in between for some small breaks. A model will be required for this class, if you have issues finding one please let us know in advance.

This course includes all the basic fundamentals of using an airbrushing system. We personally love TEMPTU, but any system you have, if any, please bring. We will include such topics as picking out the right foundation shade, adjusting shades with color theory, using the airbrush gun correctly, the difference between compressors, how to clean the system and much more. Hands on guidance and practice is crucial when learning AB technique so this will be a large portion of the class as well. Also continued support and guidance from Pittsburgh Makeup after the class is never a problem, so you can reach out any time for extra help!

Each person will receive a completion certificate for the course.

PLEASE NOTE ***Due to a large portion of time being set aside, no class can be scheduled without it being paid in full prior OR a $50 deposit. Both can be done via this site or an invoice can be emailed to you to pay with a credit card. Please note that all classes are non-refundable but are indefinite and won't expire if you can't make it or need to reschedule for another date...this is never a problem! This class won’t license or certify the student as a Makeup Artist but will help in extending their skill level and expertise.

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